
Showing posts from May, 2017

Wells Fargo: Tips for Retirement

It's never too late to think about your retirement plans and with the increasing government debts, the time is just right to think if the money in your investment account will last through the retirement period? Wells Fargo understands this and has devised lucrative retirement plans and suggestions for its customers to help them in planning for a happy and peaceful retirement.  Some of the helpful tips from Wells Fargo are. 1. Examine Your Expenses. During your quarterly with your financial professionals, you need to start with your present expenditure and note the things which will change after retirement.  2. Save Some Amount For Backup And Emergencies. You need to keep some money in reserve in case of unavoidable situations like medical emergencies or natural disasters, etc. These uninvited situations tend to exhaust your retirement savings. That's why you should keep an emergency fund aside to last for at least six months of living expenses. I...